Receive Podcasts in IE7

Here is a simple way of getting your podcasts, netcasts, vidcasts, vodcasts or whatever you prefer to call them downloaded relatively securely using IE7 native tools.
Typically the sites that are associated with Podcasts have a link to the podcast feed, you should click on this and you will go directly to the feed and you will see a webpage such as this:-

If you click on the 'Subscribe to this Feed' link you will be prompted where you want to place the subscription (handy if you want to group them by subject etc).
Now you want to make sure that the attachments are downloaded (the Audio/Video Content), click on the Star on the toolbar and you should get something come up that looks like this:-

If you then right click on the relevant feed and select 'Properties' you will be presented with a Properties window. From here you can check the box by 'Automatically download attached files', schedule when to check for updates, and how many of the updates to archive.
There you have it, I have started to use this due to some third party functionality in Vista's Media Center.

Posted by PH 10:49 AM  


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